Puff Flower Handbag

It´s been an absolute age since I posted anything here, or even looked at other blogs. Mentally the last year has been very challenging for me, and I lost my creative mojo completely, but now I´m slowly coming out of the darkness and into the light again (I hope). So anyway, I´ve been making little crochet puff flowers in the evening while watching TV. I started making them just so I wouldn’t fall asleep as soon as I sat on the sofa 😊

Initially I thought I might just make a pillow for my granddaughter’s room, but then I changed my mind and decided that I needed a very colourful handbag, so that´s what I made. It´s quite big, it´s approximately 40cm wide and 35cm tall, I really had a lot of flowers 😃

It actually turned out better than I expected and I´m quite thrilled with it.

Now I´m making more flowers to make a small one for my daughter, it will be a cute summer handbag.

Thanks for popping by, keep on smiling 😊