Storage Stool

A few years ago I bought a Storage stool, because it was inexpensive, not because I liked it, which of course is not very clever, because the minute I placed it in my craft room, it´s been an eyesore. I wanted to cover it with fabric but wasn’t quite sure about how to do it, I also didn’t want to make a sewn cover, since I knew it would be a nightmare to fit well. So the only option left to me was using the staple gun, which I might add I have never used before, so this was the ideal project to try it on.


The fabric I chose was an African wax batik of which I have quite a few meters. I measured the lid from one inside part to the other, cut the fabric and stapled it to the inside of the lid, the corners I folded and tucked in much like binding a quilt. I actually couldn´t believe how good it looked.




For the box, I measured all around added 6cm and cut, then I wrapped the box in the fabric, folded over on the top and stapled to the inside. The edge of the fabric was folded over and made sure it was nicely stretched.


And there you have it, I was blown away by how quick and simple it was.

Needless to say, I now have a new best friend…the staple gun 😉

Almost Black on White

As promised in my last post, I  finally hung up my latest quilt. The proof is, of course, the usual bad photos presented here 🙂




The pattern is Five Smalls Crib Quilt by Kacia Hosmer, I bought it from Modern patchwork. It was just what I was looking for, simple yet striking! I just made mine wider and shortened the length.


Every quilt I´ve made so far has taught me something, this one taught me that when using just 2 tones, every little mistake is glaringly obvious, there are no patterns or shades of colour to distract the eye, ….nope… every square that is not exactly pieced, jumps up and hits you in the eyeball! But it´s all a learning curve, next time I´ll know to be more precise in my seams and cutting.

I absolutely love it, it´s one of my favorites so far.